The Wealth RoadMap

We take a project management approach to helping you achieve your financial goals. Whether your goals include saving for retirement, purchasing a recreation property, educating your children or grandchildren, or insuring that your financial affairs are in order in case of a life changing event, there are tasks that must be completed in an efficient manner.
To help manage your financial projects, we have designed a personal Wealth Management Roadmap for the decision makers in your family. We have designed your Roadmap based on our discussion about your personal preferences and priorities.
Your Roadmap contains the planned activities, including face-to-face or virtual meetings, telephone catch-up calls and education events that we have planned to get the work done to get and keep your financial house in order.
This plan is totally flexible. If you ever need to change a scheduled event or a meeting theme or agenda, just get in touch with our office and we will make the necessary changes. This is your plan, based on your preferences.