Celebrating Vanessa’s 20 Years of Dedication and Professional Growth
Hello everyone. I hope this email finds you well. Today, I am thrilled to share some exciting news with you all. Our esteemed Investment Advisor, Vanessa, is about to celebrate an incredible milestone of 20 years working in the financial services industry. Throughout her tenure, Vanessa has consistently demonstrated unwavering dedication, exceptional professionalism, and an Read more ➝

When Will Interest Rates Stop Rising and What is the Impact on the Market?
Hello everyone. I hope all is well. Here is the latest edition of 3 Questions for Bill Richardson. Question 1: When are interest rates going to stop rising? The timing of this question is interesting. When you look at interest rates, there are two major ways to view them. Most investors focus on short-term rates. Read more ➝

Analyzing the Canadian Dollar’s Outlook: A Crucial Factor in Portfolio Performance
Hello everyone. Hope all is well. Here is the latest edition of 3 Questions for Bill Richardson. Question 1: As summer comes to a close, what is your view on the Canadian vs. US Dollar? We keep a pretty close eye on the Canadian Dollar as fluctuations vs. the US counterpart can have a big Read more ➝

Everything you need to know about interest rates, GICs, and bond funds.
Hello everyone. Hope all is well. Here is the next edition of 3 Questions for Bill Richardson. Question 1: Can we talk interest rates on this edition of 3 Questions for Bill? Sure thing. Interest rate movements have been crazy for the past two to three years and it has changed the way that people Read more ➝

Analyzing the Financial Markets: Are we in a Bull or Bear Market?
Hello everyone. Hope all is well. Here is the next edition of 3 Questions for Bill Richardson. Question 1: Financial markets have put investors on a roller coaster ride for the past few years. Are we now in a Bull or Bear Market? To answer this, let’s start with definitions (Source: Investopedia.com) “A bull market Read more ➝

The State of Equity Markets in 2023
Hello everyone. Hope all is well. Here is the next edition of 3 Questions for Bill Richardson. Question 1: Equity markets are off to a great start in 2023. What’s happening? Equity markets have taken us on a rollercoaster ride since COVID’s appearance in 2020. First, markets got rocked. Then, they recovered strongly. Then Read more ➝

Risk vs Volatility vs Turbulence
Hello everyone. Hope all is well. A standard practice utilized by financial advisors is the completion of a risk questionnaire to help determine the proper allocation of assets in a portfolio. The theory is that investors have a comfort zone for risk, and by utilizing tools like psychological assessments, an advisor can help an investor Read more ➝

Please join Danny Popescu, CEO of Harbourfront Wealth Management, as well as Bill Richardson and Travis Forman for a virtual COVID-19 Update.
Dear Harbourfront Client, We would like to extend to you an exclusive invitation to a live webinar where Danny Popescu, CEO of Harbourfront Wealth Management as well as Portfolio Managers Bill Richardson (Willoughby Investment Pool and the Northgate Equity Strategy) and Travis Forman (Rockridge Private Debt & Real Estate Pool and the Forsyth Private Real Read more ➝

Protecting Your Nest Egg In Volatile Times
Bill Richardson, a portfolio manger for Harbourfront Wealth Management, shares insights concerning protecting your wealth during challenging times like the current Coronavirus pandemic.

New Willoughby and Northgate Strategy Podcast!
Portfolio Manager Bill Richardson gives us his survey of the markets in the New Year, to date, and offers opinion on some of 2020’s way to early predictions for what may happen.